Hot Water Installation
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Hot Water Installation

Boilers that produce hot water under high pressure are called hot water boiler. Hot water is produced in hot water boilers over 120 degrees. Hot water boilers are generally preferred in central systems. In order to keep the hot water in these boilers to a certain degree, the pressure of the system should be kept at a certain pressure continuously.
Hot Water Installations is a product with three full pass, flame and smoke pipe and high efficiency values. Flame and smoke pipes of Hot Water Boilers are welded to mirrors. In this way, repair and maintenance work can be done easily. Semi-cylindrical Hot Water Boilers, solid fuel Hot Water Boilers series and Hot Water Boilers can be made suitable for burning natural gas when needed.

Hot Water Installation Types

The pipe network that conveys water in buildings to the places of use is called building clean water installation. This installation is divided into two parts:
a-) Feed pipe (External Clean Water Installation): In the laying of the pipeline in buildings, the part between the city water pipe and the counter in the building is called the feed pipe.

b-)  Internal Clean Water Installation: It consists of columns that distribute clean water to the floors and connection pipes that take the water in the columns to the places of use.

Hot Water Installation which is one of our services with our 25 years of experience. In parallel with the developing technology, we work with our strength to produce customer satisfaction oriented projects in the best way with our young and dynamic team of experts. 

About Hot Water Installation

A heat transfer station is installed under each building or the heat from the center is transferred directly to the consumed devices. Water between 110-175 ° С is counted at moderate temperature; Water above 175 ° С is classified as high temperature. In this article, medium temperature superheated water systems will be considered. The minimum economic capacity of the system is generally defined as 500 houses; The distribution of buildings in the field and the number of dwellings in each building is an important factor in determining the installation of the system. The central heating of five buildings, each of which is not too far from each other, consists of 100 houses, and the evaluation of 20 buildings, each consisting of 25 houses, scattered over the widespread area will yield separate results. In our country, systems designed to heat blocks spread over a certain area are not very common. However, facilities such as university campus and hospital are heated by central systems. Facilities for heating specific areas of a city are common in the northern countries. The heat center of a central heating system installed in Moscow is shown in the picture.

Water Pipe Boilers

Water-tube boilers are boilers with a smaller water area volume than flame and smoke tube boilers, but which produce steam at high pressure and temperature. In boilers with water pipes, the combustion chamber is surrounded by tubes through which the water and steam mixture circulates. These types of boilers are used more widely in refinery operations than those with flame tubes.

If you want to get information about our Hot Water Installation and other services, you can contact us at 0212 659 69 39 and e-mail address.